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Safe place to get the help from a real Professional

This is a Safe place to discuss anything you wish to discuss without the risk of being compromised in an open outside office,


My Goals/AdviceOffering Non-judgemental space for all Help to deal with sexual addictions Talking about trauma to get to the root to help you overcome whatever you are going through.

My EducationStudied and had private practices in several areas across the United States I have several degrees within 25 years and have valid credentials to offer my services. Education: Masters Group Therapy Transgender Therapy and much more. Individual Therapy Experience: over 20 Year

My Experience25 years of intense therapy with individual as well as group settings I use different approaches to advice. Non-judgemental. Real advice to help with marriage issues, sexuality, bi-curious situations or thoughts, transgender therapy, and much more.

My Scorecard
Average Call Rating:5.00 out of 5
Answered Calls:100%
Answered Messages:100%
Favorited By:7 Members
Personality Score:10.00 out of 10
My Recent Reviews
DolphusRaymond Profile Image

Exactly what I needed - bright, open and thoughtful

SAFE SPACE HOTINE THERAPY replied:Thank you very much, hope u will be calling again soon!!

discoveryboy08 Profile Image

Understanding and helpful advisor.

SAFE SPACE HOTINE THERAPY replied:ones as yourself help make it that way and I believe in long term so I keep great rates and do specials so this is my way of giving back to all that support me like yourself!! I do hope to continue our sessions

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