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Welcome to anything goes Confessional

My name is Marilyn and want you to relax and really open up to me about any and everything. Let be be your guide to help you unleash your inner secrets and desires. No need to be ashamed. Let it all out. Lets dig deep to the root to see what kinds of naughtiness dwells within and let me offer advice


My Goals/AdviceTo give listen and offer the best advice for the circumstances.

My EducationHigh school Diploma as well as multiple certificates from both Florida, Oregon and Georgia in several categories.

My ExperienceI have 15 years in classes and seminars in 13 states as well as

My Scorecard
Average Call Rating:5.00 out of 5
Answered Calls:100%
Answered Messages:93%
Favorited By:33 Members
Personality Score:10.00 out of 10
My Recent Reviews
Rachal Profile Image

She is just what I have been looking for understanding about my wants and desire even direct me to her life

shoejob Profile Image

This is my first call and impression of your site. Great first impression, wonderful interaction, thank you!!!!

mom4me Profile Image

Best session with my favorite!

Jerkgoff4u Profile Image

Absolutely mind blowing!

Jerkgoff4u Profile Image

She is a 20 on a scale of 1 to 10. Amazing!!!

Sexologist replied:You are tooooooo kind thank you

My Recent Posts

1.00 per minute not on packages this weekend as my way of showing appreciation to all who support me. Thank u all


Good Morning! Back from vacation and running a Special Tuesday 10/8 and 10/9 for $.99 cents per min


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