While supporting you coming out and living authentically
Coming out is a deeply personal and transformative journey, and you do not have to face it alone. I specialize in helping men and trans navigate the complexity of identity, relationships, and self discovery, wiith compassion and understanding. Together we will work to overcome fears, build confidence, and a life where you can be unapologetically you. Let's take this journey to authenticity one step at a time.
My Goals/AdviceI have helped numerous men, woman and trans in multiple GBTQIA community. While coming out to their family, affirming, they are simply into the same gender, (which for some it's much more difficult for, I know.) Or as transitioning into the opposite sex, that they identify with. And all the rest of the angles that are incorporated, with each and every single situation, helping others to be their true authentic selves. All of my practice stems from a place of luv, empathy and sincere compassion. Guaranteed.
My EducationI started out as social worker, with a huge heart for kids living in toxic, abusive families, enduring emotional, physical and psychological abuse. Primarily do to unfit parents, who are likely dealing with childhood traumas of their own, now passing on the generational disturbances, unless action happens immediately as they fight demons of their own. I feel very strongly about having a family stay together, if and when at all possible. While giving the children a safe space/place, to share their traumas and dreams, as they feel free to share whatever they desire. Yet never being made to feel guilty, harnessed with luv instead. No more lies that have been told to cover, they are now free. Giving them the opportunity which is deserved, a happy, and positive childhood. Also, with a large focus to navigate their parents to acknowledge their truth and actions, that likely causes their child's reactions that are categorized as "acting up". All while handling each famil unit uniquely, with a gentle approach, from a place of luv, guidance and understanding. Every case is different, and my mission is to help families strive, to luv, instead of sweeping all the trauma under the carpet, step by step. I have witnessed miraculous changes in many different family dynamics, time and time again. It goes to show, with a non judgmental approach, and sincere kindness, anything is a possibility tor those who are ready to step up and do the work for more joy and peace into their home. Often it stems from dealing with their own traumatic past, while encouraging them to take accountability, yet not blaming them for early life traumas, that were followed by a spiraling down aftermath. It's about fixing the NOW, with nothing but luv, understanding and compassion to break the chains their children should'n't have to carry. Much, Peace, luv and healthy healing vibes are sent your way. Let's talk and explore the complexities of your personal wants and desires. I'm with open ears and heart.
My ExperienceOne of my very dear, long time besties identified as a gay man. Which, by the way, I believe EVERY straight/bi woman should have at-least one! As they tend to be much more raw and authentic, speaking their truth, including regarding things with you, you may prefer not to hear. Well, my dear, sweet soul, gem of a friend, had decided to go through the process, into being a woman. From the start, I knew I needed to encourage, and support,, being available for whatever situation that may come by that shall too pass for you. Even if just to let him know, I accepted his /her choice and would stick by their side throughout the entire process. Often, if it was just listening, with non-judgmental ears. This was over a decade ago and thankfully being Transgender, has become somewhat more accepted, yet still a way to go. However, it's challenging time which can bring about a lot of anxiety and fear. I have made it my mission to be a kind ear, to really hear your concerns and help with whatever issues may be at hand, navigating all with a gentle plan. Always based from luv and helping to alleviate fear and concerns, which is waiting around the bend, a new horizon.. While being your constant go to for support, and reminding you to keep pushing through, as better days are ahead. While as cliche as it may sound, it is the truth, luv and acceptance which begins within yourself, and is a must. I would luv to help and inspire you to get through what may seem completely overwhelming at times. As I thrive on helping others opening up to their situations with no shame, guilt, nor blame. I am all about empowering the good, to embrace your authentic self, with zero negativity, only uplifting advice, and insight to help your life become all the better, and more than you've ever dreamed. #OneLuv
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